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Movies - Songs - Games with Exercises A2 Level

6. Use of English with Exercises A2 Level

6.8. Warm-up Video for 'Too' or 'Enough?'


Instructions. Read and decide, then listen and check.


Exercise. Complete each gap with suitable words and expressions you hear from the video.

Right. Google is known for our good food. But did you eat (1) ………….. much so that now you're a little sleepy? I hope not. Well actually, I'm not worried. Melody, wow. These developer tools are amazing. But wait, one month later, it's (2) ………….. slow. It's (3) ………….. slow to get a build result in under a minute or in a matter of seconds, right? It's not (4) ………….. . So that point I want to make there is that the speed and the scale are something that we do well. Well, we struggle. And not to air dirty laundry here, but I will. It's never fast (5) ………….. . Every single engineer that I talk to, it's not fast (6) ………….. . The build is (7) ………….. slow. Engineers want and expect almost instantaneous results for what's broken. They help us a lot. Sometimes they slows down. It takes (8) ………….. long to turn things around. And we want to keep this focus on automation and velocity for engineers. And finally, I just want to highlight that finding and fixing bugs-- it's tough for us (9) ………….. . I need to go look at this log file and this log file. And I got an alert. RAE WANG: So as we just heard from Melody that Dev Ops is hard for everyone. It's hard at Google (10) ………….. . Regardless of whether it's making 800,000 builds at Google or it's your own company making three builds a day. Loading up the new App Engine Logs Viewer, I can filter this by error and scroll all the way down. And sure (11) ………….. , I see some errors uploading high scores. Error uploading high score, non-admin user attempting to upload a high score. So going straight from the App Engine logs, I can jump right to the problem, where it occurred to my code. And sure (12) ………….. , some bonehead developer on the team, this guy, introduced a problem. So what I'm going to do now is drive to the office, all with a couple of commands. OK. So (13) ………….. about G Cloud. Let's get back to fixing Fluttery Bird. Google has this the Git repo in the cloud.

Key: Look at the key and say aloud the script from the video to improve your English.

Right. Google is known for our good food. But did you eat (1) (too) much so that now you're a little sleepy? I hope not. Well actually, I'm not worried. Melody, wow. These developer tools are amazing. But wait, one month later, it's (2) (too) slow. It's (3) (too) slow to get a build result in under a minute or in a matter of seconds, right? It's not (4) (enough) . So that point I want to make there is that the speed and the scale are something that we do well. Well, we struggle. And not to air dirty laundry here, but I will. It's never fast (5) (enough) . Every single engineer that I talk to, it's not fast (6) (enough) . The build is (7) (too) slow. Engineers want and expect almost instantaneous results for what's broken. They help us a lot. Sometimes they slows down. It takes (8) (too) long to turn things around. And we want to keep this focus on automation and velocity for engineers. And finally, I just want to highlight that finding and fixing bugs-- it's tough for us (9) (too) . I need to go look at this log file and this log file. And I got an alert. RAE WANG: So as we just heard from Melody that Dev Ops is hard for everyone. It's hard at Google (10) (too) . Regardless of whether it's making 800,000 builds at Google or it's your own company making three builds a day. Loading up the new App Engine Logs Viewer, I can filter this by error and scroll all the way down. And sure (11) (enough) , I see some errors uploading high scores. Error uploading high score, non-admin user attempting to upload a high score. So going straight from the App Engine logs, I can jump right to the problem, where it occurred to my code. And sure (12) (enough) , some bonehead developer on the team, this guy, introduced a problem. So what I'm going to do now is drive to the office, all with a couple of commands. OK. So (13) (enough) about G Cloud. Let's get back to fixing Fluttery Bird. Google has this the Git repo in the cloud.


Channel: Google Developers. Google Cloud Platform Live: DevOps at Google Speed & Tools for You:


Compiled by Top Grade Edu