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Movies - Songs - Games with Exercises B1 Level

Movies - Songs - Games with Exercises for B1 Level.

5. Use of English with Exercises B1 Level

5.10. Warm-up Video for 'Used to'


Instructions. 'Used to' is often difficult to catch because it sounds more like 'usta'. Listen and type the verb with 'used to / didn't used to'.


Exercise. Complete each gap with suitable words and expressions you hear from the video.

Now, the science of happiness-- Let me talk about this. Because when I (1) …………..about-- well, because I used to do talks-- and business talks, value creation. One of the businesses I owned was sales training, high-end sales training company. We (2) ………….. all the sales training for the top companies all over the world. And I (3) ………….. about, OK, well how did I not focus on life worth? How did I turn this corner? All fear of failure, pride, and enormity of risk, fall away in the face of death. The things I (4) ………….. were such big deals, they weren't big deals. When I walk through a children's cancer ward, I'm He goes, Dad, I'm really trying to figure out how to make my sales quota, how to make my sales numbers. I (5) ………….. a sales training company. So that was an obvious area that I knew about, which I also though was funny. I'll just sit and look at the stars. I'll watch the birds. My father (6) ………….. that. I'd go, oh man. Now I'm my father, right? several years back. And he never really got over it. They (7) ………….. out dancing all the time. He would love to dance. And I would talk to this guy. Do they give credit or take credit? What's the balance of listening versus talking? We (8) ………….. a neighbor. My father never liked her. He goes, she has two gears, talking and waiting to talk.

Key: Look at the key and say aloud the script from the video to improve your English.

Now, the science of happiness-- Let me talk about this. Because when I (1) (used to think) about-- well, because I used to do talks-- and business talks, value creation. One of the businesses I owned was sales training, high-end sales training company. We (2) (used to do) all the sales training for the top companies all over the world. And I (3) (used to think) about, OK, well how did I not focus on life worth? How did I turn this corner? All fear of failure, pride, and enormity of risk, fall away in the face of death. The things I (4) (used to think) were such big deals, they weren't big deals. When I walk through a children's cancer ward, I'm He goes, Dad, I'm really trying to figure out how to make my sales quota, how to make my sales numbers. I (5) (used to run) a sales training company. So that was an obvious area that I knew about, which I also though was funny. I'll just sit and look at the stars. I'll watch the birds. My father (6) (used to do) that. I'd go, oh man. Now I'm my father, right? several years back. And he never really got over it. They (7) (used to go) out dancing all the time. He would love to dance. And I would talk to this guy. Do they give credit or take credit? What's the balance of listening versus talking? We (8) (used to have) a neighbor. My father never liked her. He goes, she has two gears, talking and waiting to talk.


Channel: Talks at Google. Gary Kunath: "Mastering Life Balance", Talks at Google:


Compiled by Top Grade Edu