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Movies - Songs - Games with Exercises B1 Level

Movies - Songs - Games with Exercises for B1 Level.

3. Clauses with Exercises B1 Level

3.2. Warm-up Video for 'in case' or 'in the case'


Instructions. Read the context and the gaps with 'in case' or 'in the case'


Exercise. Complete each gap with suitable words and expressions you hear from the video.

BizDevBytes: Going Global about how the text is going to fit within the context of their game. So (1) ………….. of "Smurf Village," it's actually pretty simple. It's a social network game, so they really did focus on Android Design in Action: Local Video and Rich Notifications your starred people or your favorite people, kind of like your quick dial. Then below that, (2) ………….. you haven't favorited anybody, or even if you have, it's kind of like extra content. It's kind of below the fold. And in the action bar, you have like Add to Queue just in case you want to-- or maybe you'd call it like a Watch Later or something, just (3) ………….. you don't like watch right now, right then. NICK BUTCHER: Just to take off one of his points, actually, I What can I do in that time? And I think that giving you the option to filter by size or length or duration, or I guess (4) ………….. of percent viewed, how much you have left, like three minutes left in this video. The App Clinic: Instant Messaging And apparently they didn't get the memo about the design guidelines for drawers. Just (5) ………….. you're in the same boat, here is the memo. The main takeaway is that drawers should slide out under the action bar, not push the action bar out of the way. Android Developers Office House - EMEA But still it's tempting, because you have this huge, infinite vertical space for adding options. And (6) ………….. of mobile apps, I don't think that's a good thing to do. Constraints are a good thing on mobile, RICH: No, I think the user will still own that item that they've purchased through In-app Billing. But I will have look, just (7) ………….. . CHRIS: Yeah, I don't think it matters if it's cached. GUISEPPE: In the documentation, I didn't find Android Developer Office Hours EMEA - 15th August 2012 it's not so good 'cause sometimes you need, you see the UI thread hangs for a bit. And that's why I wanted to know if you, if there was any other options to do it. >>Roman: Yeah, and I mean, just (8) ………….., I don't know if I follow this entirely. But just (9) …………'re kind of assuming that there's blocking involved when you pop up the fragment. That's gonna block the function that triggered the dialog fragment that called the show method. That doesn't actually block. So what I would do instead, assuming you have 18 July: Android Developer Office Hours create a shadow as a drawable, with an alpha layer. Problem solved. Short of that, there are other things you can do to try and fake that, but I'm not thinking of anything that will work really well (10) ………….. of a scroll view. Actually, no. There is a-- what's the word I'm looking for?-- a heading section on scroll views where you can actually go and-- Normally, it's designed to go and have a title for your scroll view, but you could Android Developers Office Hours - EMEA Edition different sets of resources, or sort of riff on that? And just as an aside, he also mentions that he's using Maven to build it, (11) ………….. that makes a difference. Responses from Andrew Kelly and Yossi suggest using themes. MAXIM: All right. RICH HYNDMAN: Questions? MAXIM: Just (12) ………….., I'll type my email in the Chat. Thanks. RICH HYNDMAN: OK. RICH HYNDMAN: They are at the normal time, normal place. But you do double check on developers.googl just (13) ………….. we have to shift the time to match some of the Devoxx scheduling. Thank you all very much, and see you next week. 2012-08-15 APAC Developer Office Hours media experts with us today. We are in no way in a session from North America, about low level media APIs but we'll try our best to answer these but just (14) ………….. we cannot, we'll forward it to our team at North America. so, “will future version support decoding/demuxing"--so right now we have the new low level media API's , we have a way of providing a byte buffer to a decoder or The Friday App Clinic: Music Players Adam: Right and just because you use this--just because we recommend the standard android sharing doesn't mean that you can't do some deeper integration with some of these other specific SDK's but (15) ………….. of this app, if you go to the specific share action that's here, we get something that's once again very very tailored to these two networks such that it's not actually possible >>Reto: Absolutely. >>Adam: You've got 'set as ringtone' which is always convenient. You've got 'start a sleep timer' (16) ………….. you've got a long playlist that you want to shut off after a while-- >>Reto: Nice. Game On! - Google Play Games Plugin for Unity All you have to do is go into the setup wizard, if you will, and fill in your app ID there. So as soon as you fill in your app ID, (17) ………….. of Android, it's going to automatically important everything they think you need for you. Leave a button there in all cases. BRUNO OLIVEIRA: Exactly. Just (18) ………….. they change their minds one day. DAN GALPIN: Exactly. Their friends might say, hey, you Android Developer Office Hours (EMEA) when the firmware starts to fail. I've not seen it with a generally well-written application behaving as it should without any issues. So, it might be worth looking over the application just (19) ………….. there are some memory leaks or things like that, which could be eating up the RAM on the device. >>Richard: Good answer. [unintelligible]. All right. So. That was--. Deleted. So, we're any way to leverage these within our own apps?" I don't know. Not that I've heard. >>Richard: He's talking about functionality, right? >>Sparky: Not that it--. I had thought so, at least (20) ………….. of the speech recognizer. I wasn't able to turn up any solid information confirming that. >>Richard: Yeah, Google Maps, there isn't anything you can do there and speech recognition >>Al: There's an interesting thread on the action bar Sherlock Issue Tracker that covers this and covers the reasons why it's unlikely to make it into the support library as well. So, I put a link up to that (21) ………….. anyone wants more info. [pause] >>Richard: OK. Anything else from inside the Hangout before we jump to the next moderator The App Clinic: Stopwatches and Timers >>Reto Meier: Excellent. >>Ian Ni-Lewis: Any foreign language, that's the first thing. >>Reto Meier: We're gonna have to have a big red button just (22) ………….. . >>Ian Ni-Lewis: Sounds good. >>Reto Meier: It's not a family friendly- Android Design in Action: Home Screen Widgets feed-type widget, you want to make sure to basically update the widget as soon as there's new data. So for example, (23) ………….. of Gmail, when you get a new email, there's a push message that's sent to the device that basically tells the Gmail application that, hey, there's they can customize what should be shown in the widget. So make sure to make use of that as well. So again, (24) ………….. of the feed reader example, you want to give them the option to specify which feeds they'd like to see in that widget. Android Design in Action: Notifications and Design Process with Alex Faaborg vibrate and buzz, or the LED to illuminate. So it's not going to actively grab the user's attention. It's just going to be there (25) ………….. they go and check. So that notification's kind of along for the ride when another notification does actually ping you. Android Developer Office Hours So if Jackie does get in, she can ask the question live. If not, I'll wait five minutes before answering that question, just (26) ………….. CHRIS BAINES: Michael has put a question on the moderator, asking, I heard about an app that claims it is able to back 2012-08-30 Android Developer Lab+ - Monkey Runner if there's like, Anirudh is there anything you wanna cover or? >>Anirudh Dewani: Not really. So, what we'll do is we'll share some links to resources for MonkeyRunner (27) ………….. you wanna go through them and thank you for joining us today. We don't have any light questions today so I think that'll be it. >>Tony Chan: Okay. Thanks so much. Thank you. Bye bye. DevBytes: Google Play Services 4.3 between players in your games. An example of using gifts is to request more lives from your friend, (28) ………….. the last round of playing did not go so well. Psst. 2012-10-11 Android Developer Lab+ - Connectivity APIs And as soon as you do that, your service is published over the Wi-Fi network. And (29) ………….. there is an editor, you can handle that error and show appropriate messages to the user. So you say, Wi-Fi P2P manager, here is my service response listener. (30) ………….. there is a service, call me back. So we've set our response listener. Android Design in Action: Google I/O 2013 Recap And on a tablet, they're both visible at the same time. There's obviously a lot more detail to that pattern there. But (31) ………….. you're a developer and looking to implement that, basically look at the navigation drawer guide here, with this link at the top, and then the sliding pane layout The last one is-- and this is, I think, a few weeks old. But (32) ………….. you're interested in using some of the action bar icon pack icons, so like Refresh and Share and things like that, (33) ………….. you don't want to necessarily use the Illustrator version or the Photoshop version-- there's like a million different versions available. Android Developers Office Hours - EMEA Johan: Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry. I thought I had it on, I'm on now. Okay. Hey guys, just want to say 'Hi.' I don't have any particular thing I'm wrestling with, but maybe I was thinking about one thing for (34) ………….. I have something like a bubble dialog with small selection, of course you know that there are some context menus or smaller--how do you say it--what's the term?--maybe small dialogs which hang to a component and Android Developers Office Hours: Project Butter the priorities should be, if it should be background or default or anything else but I would say that given that Diane wrote that code, whatever is the default part is probably what she meant it to be. But, of course, we should ask her (35) ………….. and see if maybe there is a bug there. I wouldn't worry about it too much. >>Trevor Johns: Alright, awesome. Um, so, sadly I can't find a charger anywhere here The App Clinic: Travel: On the go home screen widgets, which all have predefined messages which you can set to a predefined audience. So (36) ………….. of emergency, or I've just come home, I've just landed, any of those things, you can do it all ahead of time. Android Developers Office Hours - EMEA [STATEMENT REPEATS] RICHARD HYNDMAN: The Chris Banes delay. AL SUTTON: Just (37) ………….. I missed it the first time round. the moderator's panel. If you want, I can ask here. I would like to know (38) ………….. of a situation, where LVL license failed, I mean that, actually, we have about 20,000 real users that paid the application. you don't have to close any cursor because the provider takes charge of closing everything. But (39) ………….. of a simple code, you open the connection, you open the cursor, you close it, and then why is the StrictMode is throwing this exception? Android Developer Office Hours EMEA API [INDISTINCT]. >> THOMPSON: Well, I don't think we can [INDISTINCT] >> GAUNT: But it's Google+ [INDISTINCT] >> THOMPSON: Okay. Listen one more quick run through the letter [INDISTINCT] and the comments just (40) ………….. anything is coming. And I think we have seven questions, next one is the comments, right, nothing new coming in? I think about several questions next one from the comments, right, nothing new come in? The Friday Games Review GALPIN: I do, actually. I have a zombie kit at home. (41) ………….. of zombie invasion, I'm totally set. Except I don't have a shotgun. IAN NI-LEWIS: He didn't make it for zombies, though. It's not a licensed property. DAN GALPIN: Yes. Just (42) ………….. you were curious, even though it looks exactly, and the font seems like, and actually it feels very cartoony, very much like the movie, this has nothing to do Game On! - Play Games Half-Birthday Party you can submit along with any score that you send down to our service. (43) ………….. you're wondering what URI safe is, I went and looked up the RFC. And, basically, it's alpha characters, digits, The Friday Games Review Everything Dan does is epic. DAN GALPIN: So this game was actually one of the ones that was nominated, just (44) ………….. you thought I was going to ignore-- IAN NI-LEWIS: Oh, awesome. tablet. Why? Because this has cool HDMI and it's running Jelly Bean. Thank you. All right. So, one more game which is also portrait. It is Jungle Jumper and no, there's nothing sexual about this game, just (45) ………….. you're curious. There's no theme here. So... >> NI-LEWIS: We weren't initially thinking about that. But now, I can't unhear it. >> GALPIN: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. To all our viewers out there, forget about... 13 July: The Friday App Review my alternatives are. So I can see an arrow here so I'm gonna slide across. And I can see a number of different options here. Not entirely sure what they are. OK. So they're locked. Alright. So we'll go here and click. Oh, OK. Interesting. So this is, (46) ………….. it wasn't obvious, this is an app which is targeted towards children. >>Trevor: Hence the tap three times to buy. won't be reviewing any virus checker apps, because as far as we're concerned, the answer is, it does nothing. So (47) ………….. you're wondering why we skip past them, in the future. Now you know. So. >>Trevor: Yeah. And I think there was a second part of that app too, which is, I think it was like notification spam checking. Android Developers Office Hours - EMEA boot later. So you should be able to just re-flash it again, right? >> No, because it came from the case, so I don't have the actual one. >> BUTCHER: No, but you can connect to the keys (48) ………….. you'll can be able to see it. >> I tried, the keys doesn't recognize the phone. >> BUTCHER: Oh, dear. >> Yeah. calls focus search on the view, which currently has focus. (49) ………….. of list view, there is no view at the top and bottom. The root view will return a different view. ActivityOptions [? pass, ?] which will do that for you, for the zooming (50) ………….. , at least. You won't get the zooming out. But say you're wanting to open from a small thumbnail into an Android Design in Action: Device Automation and Touch Feedback So you've got this long scrolling list of items. And they've really customized it. So (51) ………….. of Google+, they've got these sort of nice cards. YouTube-- it's almost like a card-like interface. Android Developers Office Hours - EMEA GIUSEPPE: I will do that. Thank you. RICH: Put it on Stack Overflow (52) ………….. the answer is there already, of course. GIUSEPPE: OK. Android Design in Action: Images And so here is basically the concept of maximum space for content, maximum space for images. When you have multiple images, like (53) ………….. of thumbnails, what that means is you want to minimize the gaps between images. Android Developer Office Hours EMEA to stay on that widget. So that's, so check out the widget docs for that configuration info. >>Rich: Yes. Just (54) ………….. they are actually watching. >>Nick: And are there any [inaudible] docs anywhere. Yes. >>Rich: [laughs] 2012-11-01 Android Developer Lab+ NFC Maybe if you can drop us a comment on what you want to say with the second part of your question [INAUDIBLE]. But just (55) ………….. , for handling the audio and video pipelines, you can use a media codec, which is available on the Android SDK. ADL+ 2013-01-24 Maps API v2 part2 actually enclosing in that counterclockwise circle is the area actually the color is going to be filled. So (56) ………….. here on the right, you can see the circle is in the clockwise order. So if you try to imagine you're looking from inside, Android Developer Office Hours It's very, very bad practice to kill your app because the run time is actually managing your app, and your app is only killed (57) ………….. that there are no resources and we have to kill the process. So you have to have a very good reason to call the Android Developer Office Hours: Q&A something like that happens. It's just a safety device that we've basically built in. I think (58) ………….. of developers, it's a valid concern. It would be definitely very nice to be one of the first This Week In Android Development - August 26th 2013 We've used some magical boxes to record this update ahead of time. Just (59) ………….. something dramatic happened over the weekend, let me be the first to welcome our new insect, alien, or cyborg overlords. Android Design in Action: 2013 Recap this year. NICK BUTCHER: So I'm sure that you guys have watched them all, but just (60) ………….., we're going to pull out some of the highlights that we very much enjoyed bringing to you over the year. ROMAN NURIK: All right. 2012-08-09 APAC Developer Office Hours what it is is that the FragmentPagerAdapter, when the fragments are no longer required, what it will do is relinquish the view hierarchy for that fragment. But it'll keep the fragment around. (61) ………….. of the FragmentStatePagerAdapter, what it will do is actually call "save state"on the fragment and it will release the fragment itself. So when the fragment, again, needs to be re-instantiated, what it will do is restore the state that it saved earlier. Now, DevBytes: Efficient Data Transfers - Analyzing Your Transfer Profile Now alternatively, if the action is time-sensitive but not critical, for example uploading an image, it might be worth holding off for up to 30 seconds, just (62) ………….. another transfer is initiated in the interim. Now perhaps not surprisingly, this functionality is built DevBytes: Efficient Data Transfers - Understanding the Cell Radio Rather than dropping back to standby immediately after the transfer is completed, the radio will remain in full power mode for a set tail time, just (63) ………….. further transfers are initiated within that window. This happens because dropping to a low-power state Android Design in Action: I/O App + Sharing + Fullscreen UIs And this fits in with, don't design for one pixel resolution. But (64) ………….. you are interested, roughly, in general, the Status bar is about 25 dips tall. And the Navigation bar is about 48 dips. Androidology - Part 2 of 3 - Application Lifecycle home process is running and that has the home activity running inside it. Now, before launching the mail application, the system is going to save the state of the home application just (65) ………….., anything bad happens to it, and you'll see that bad stuff in a few minutes. So the home application has saved that state in a little parcel that has been moved to the system process. And at that point, the system can create the mail process, we can Android Design in Action: GDG Oslo + Design Consistency to beautiful design. You should see it. But just (66) ………….. we do have links available. So what that, thanks everybody. As always, I'm your host Roman Nurik. 2012-09-20 Android Developer Lab+ - In-App Billing So, if you have a book or an app that's like a book, you might have some episodic content, where you provide chapter one of that app or that content for free. And then users can pay to unlock chapter two and then chapter three and so on. And (67) ………….. of a game it might not be chapters, it could be levels. It could be characters. And so on and so forth. Now, one of the features that we have in in-app billing is that your client, your app, can to be able to replay them and we track them for you so and so. The next type of items are unmanaged items. And these are not typically the type of items that you only consume or purchase once. So (68) ………….. of a game, it might be some in-game coins. So you wanna allow the user to purchase these coin packs more than once. Or it could be potions, whatever. (69) ………….. of an app or a service that you're providing, you could also do something like ask the user to pay X amount of money every month or every year. Today I wouldn't actually use in-app billing for that recurring payment because we actually The App Clinic: Introducing the App Clinic's Pure Android Collection And then anyone can add a comment to the nominations card on the proposed categories list. IAN NI-LEWIS: Now just (70) ………….. you didn't see that URL as it was flying by, the URL is, capital A, capital C, capital T. So we're going to go Android Design in Action: Action Bar So if you've got one earbud in, maybe switch the other one if you can't hear him. ROMAN: (71) ………….. you can't. ADAM: (72) ………….. you cant, potentially. NICK: If you can't hear this. ADAM: So let's get started. They really more an indicator. But usually they are coupled with touch. So (73) ………….. the user does touch that area that indicates the next page or the previous page, you should still swipe over or switch over. The App Clinic: Shopping >> NI-LEWIS: That'll... >> MEIER: Well, it's really handy, ain't it? >> NI-LEWIS: ...that'll show you a little bottle of whiskey for instance. Because... >> MEIER: Just (74) ………….. you don't know. >> NI-LEWIS: ...just (75) ………….. --well, yeah, (76) ………… forgot. >> MEIER: Well, and this can be really useful because it seems kind of obvious. I'm so glad that there's a list. So I know what it looks like. Except that maybe someone else added it just to the list and you don't know what >> NI-LEWIS: I hope so... >> MEIER: I can say that just... >> NI-LEWIS: ...yes. He... >> MEIER: That's feedback coming through. >> NI-LEWIS: Okay. Well, just (77) …………... So, the question--the last question was just around collecting information from different store, pricing information, things like that. Absolutely but I think this seems like one of those things were there's a business opportunity. Game On! - Android and Game Controllers KRISTAN UCCELLO: Right, but it's not always guaranteed to be that way. You might actually end up (78) ………….. where that secondary joystick axis is labeled with a z. So zx, z, none of it is constant with game Android Developer Office Hours: Developer Q&A Google Voice is a prime example here; users will install some other app that are responsible for sending text messages. Most of the time those are apps that do go and use the normal SMS infrastructure and they send it through their cell carrier but, again, (79) ………….. of Google Voice those messages are actually routed over the internet and don'¬t use the normal telephony stack on the phone. And if you don'¬t use the SMS intent the SMS messages number of characters. You can imagine if you feed in a lot of data, if I feed it, if I feed in a megabyte of data and I get back a 160 bytes, actually, I think it'¬s 160 bits, (80) ………….. of SHA-1 I believe, don'¬t quote me on that. In any case, you'¬re losing data. It'¬s just simply not possible to go and recover the original password if you use those. You could go and use something like AES and that'¬s a, a symmetric cipher which will let you go Android Design in Action: Design Hangout No. 1 couldn't join today. I think he's out sick. We've invited him to the Hangout just (81) ………….. he wants to join, but he'll probably stay home and rest up for next week. Android Developer Office Hours: October 24, 2012 morning it was actually a private video so I don't know if it will play now. Let's give it a shot just (82) ………….. . Oh, it's playing, I think. 2012-07-26 APAC Developer Office Hours >>Anirudh: That seems to be a fitting implementation to me. Are you incurring any type of performance hit there or? >>Male #1: Well, my, my point is (83)………….. when I'm trying to access this particle of fragment directly from view flipper by saying something like, let's see here, [Pause] >>Male #1: Alright, if I try to say viewflipper.getcurrentitem Game On!: Turn-Based Multiplayer Just say, Automatch Criteria, Create Automatch Criteria, Number of Automatch Slots you want. Which might be one, (84) ………….. of "8 Bit Artist." TODD KERPELMAN: Gotcha. OK. Things Every Android Game Developer Should Know 2.0 application. On the server side, you should check the signature again, just (85) ………….. the client has been compromised. A cool thing you can do in the server that you can't do in the client is to check order numbers, because since you are DevBytes: Bitmap Allocation And that's it. Not very hard to use, but definitely worth using. Especially if you're (86) ………….. where you're constantly loading in new bitmaps and those bitmaps are the same size as other bitmaps that you're now done with. Android Developers Office Hours - EMEA Edition So here is the URL. NICK: Do you want to pop that in the Moderator as well (87) …………..? Who is it who asked? Yeah. (88) …………..Martin from Poland isn't watching, we should pop that in the Moderator as well. selections, which I love. And we talked about that quite a lot yesterday on Design in Action, (89) ………… missed it. Cool. All right. Android Developer Office Hours EMEA (live from Devoxx) RICH: Absolutely. RICH: Sparky, in the meantime, are you following the plus Android developer's comments, (90) ………….. there are any? Because we can't see them from this end. The Friday Games Review beer. And that would just make the show that much better. >> NI-LEWIS: That's right bro--broth. So, we're drinking ESB. Now I brought a [INDISTINCT] for Daniel Pham our engineer just (91) ………….. . >> GALPIN: Uh-hmm. >> NI-LEWIS: But I have something super special for... >> GALPIN: Ooh. >> NI-LEWIS: There you go. actually go to the next slide so that we can take a look at Agent Shooter's--there we are. >> NI-LEWIS: Uh-hmm. >> GALPIN: So, Agent The Shooter lets you know from the beginning that it's ad-supported just (92) ………….. you were wondering whether or not it was free or paid or not. It's right there in the title. >> NI-LEWIS: It also lets you know quite clearly from the feature graphic that this is done Android Developer Office Hours experience is that library projects actually work quite reasonable well with obfuscation because ultimately they're just built into the same jar and it's all one thing that's obfuscated all together. I don't, in terms of, what's interesting (93) ………….. of and I think that's actually what you're gonna want to do is make sure that all your libraries are all statically bound into, into one jar file and rather than trying to obfuscate the Android EMEA Office Hours 23/01/2013 WIEBE ELSINGA: Hi guys. MALE SPEAKER: I just joined (94) ………….. I could help with the technical difficulties. But I'm actually in Mountain View at the moment. CHRIS BANES: I would always bundle the privacy policy with the app, just (95) ………….. your app isn't distributed with Play store. So if it goes into Amazon app store or any other sort of The Friday Games Review IAN NI-LEWIS: Whose fault would that be? DAN GALPIN: Well, it could be anyone's. I'm going to mute this tablet just (96) ………….. . IAN NI-LEWIS: Good point. RETO MEIER: Thank you. Android Design in Action: Responsive Design ROMAN NURIK: One thing that we haven't done here is use Roboto Thin or Roboto Light, which we probably should have. So (97) ………….. you want to make the title stand out even more, get even more attention-- I'm not convinced that it's necessary here, but you could DevBytes: Android 4.4 Storage Access Framework: Provider directory, like gallery or drive. Most applications will have one root. You might have more than one (98) ………….. of, say, multiple user accounts. In that case, just add a second row to the cursor. Introduction to Kotlin (Google I/O '17) have been incredibly excited about this official announcement of Kotlin. We both love Kotlin, (99) ………….. you hadn't noticed already. And we don't take any more time from the speakers of honor. So without further ado, here they are. Now in Android: 01 - Room, KTX Extensions, AndroidX, Conference Videos, ADB podcast & more! of weeks-ish, why don't we actually try to do the same thing with a video, reuse that content (100) ………….. some people actually tend to get their information from video. So I'm, basically, going to regurgitate

Key: Look at the key and say aloud the script from the video to improve your English.

BizDevBytes: Going Global about how the text is going to fit within the context of their game. So (1) (in the case) of "Smurf Village," it's actually pretty simple. It's a social network game, so they really did focus on Android Design in Action: Local Video and Rich Notifications your starred people or your favorite people, kind of like your quick dial. Then below that, (2) (in case) you haven't favorited anybody, or even if you have, it's kind of like extra content. It's kind of below the fold. And in the action bar, you have like Add to Queue just in case you want to-- or maybe you'd call it like a Watch Later or something, just (3) (in case) you don't like watch right now, right then. NICK BUTCHER: Just to take off one of his points, actually, I What can I do in that time? And I think that giving you the option to filter by size or length or duration, or I guess (4) (in the case) of percent viewed, how much you have left, like three minutes left in this video. The App Clinic: Instant Messaging And apparently they didn't get the memo about the design guidelines for drawers. Just (5) (in case) you're in the same boat, here is the memo. The main takeaway is that drawers should slide out under the action bar, not push the action bar out of the way. Android Developers Office House - EMEA But still it's tempting, because you have this huge, infinite vertical space for adding options. And (6) (in the case) of mobile apps, I don't think that's a good thing to do. Constraints are a good thing on mobile, RICH: No, I think the user will still own that item that they've purchased through In-app Billing. But I will have look, just (7) (in case) . CHRIS: Yeah, I don't think it matters if it's cached. GUISEPPE: In the documentation, I didn't find Android Developer Office Hours EMEA - 15th August 2012 it's not so good 'cause sometimes you need, you see the UI thread hangs for a bit. And that's why I wanted to know if you, if there was any other options to do it. >>Roman: Yeah, and I mean, just (8) (in case) , I don't know if I follow this entirely. But just (9) (in case) you're kind of assuming that there's blocking involved when you pop up the fragment. That's gonna block the function that triggered the dialog fragment that called the show method. That doesn't actually block. So what I would do instead, assuming you have 18 July: Android Developer Office Hours create a shadow as a drawable, with an alpha layer. Problem solved. Short of that, there are other things you can do to try and fake that, but I'm not thinking of anything that will work really well (10) (in the case) of a scroll view. Actually, no. There is a-- what's the word I'm looking for?-- a heading section on scroll views where you can actually go and-- Normally, it's designed to go and have a title for your scroll view, but you could Android Developers Office Hours - EMEA Edition different sets of resources, or sort of riff on that? And just as an aside, he also mentions that he's using Maven to build it, (11) (in case) that makes a difference. Responses from Andrew Kelly and Yossi suggest using themes. MAXIM: All right. RICH HYNDMAN: Questions? MAXIM: Just (12) (in case) , I'll type my email in the Chat. Thanks. RICH HYNDMAN: OK. RICH HYNDMAN: They are at the normal time, normal place. But you do double check on just (13) (in case) we have to shift the time to match some of the Devoxx scheduling. Thank you all very much, and see you next week. 2012-08-15 APAC Developer Office Hours media experts with us today. We are in no way in a session from North America, about low level media APIs but we'll try our best to answer these but just (14) (in case) we cannot, we'll forward it to our team at North America. so, “will future version support decoding/demuxing"--so right now we have the new low level media API's , we have a way of providing a byte buffer to a decoder or The Friday App Clinic: Music Players >>Adam: Right and just because you use this--just because we recommend the standard android sharing doesn't mean that you can't do some deeper integration with some of these other specific SDK's but (15) ( in the case) of this app, if you go to the specific share action that's here, we get something that's once again very very tailored to these two networks such that it's not actually possible >>Reto: Absolutely. >>Adam: You've got 'set as ringtone' which is always convenient. You've got 'start a sleep timer' (16) (in case) you've got a long playlist that you want to shut off after a while-- >>Reto: Nice. Game On! - Google Play Games Plugin for Unity All you have to do is go into the setup wizard, if you will, and fill in your app ID there. So as soon as you fill in your app ID, (17) (in the case) of Android, it's going to automatically important everything they think you need for you. Leave a button there in all cases. BRUNO OLIVEIRA: Exactly. Just (18) (in case) they change their minds one day. DAN GALPIN: Exactly. Their friends might say, hey, you Android Developer Office Hours (EMEA) itself, when the firmware starts to fail. I've not seen it with a generally well-written application behaving as it should without any issues. So, it might be worth looking over the application just (19) (in case) there are some memory leaks or things like that, which could be eating up the RAM on the device. >>Richard: Good answer. [unintelligible]. All right. So. That was--. Deleted. So, we're any way to leverage these within our own apps?" I don't know. Not that I've heard. >>Richard: He's talking about functionality, right? >>Sparky: Not that it--. I had thought so, at least (20) (in the case) of the speech recognizer. I wasn't able to turn up any solid information confirming that. >>Richard: Yeah, Google Maps, there isn't anything you can do there and speech recognition >>Al: There's an interesting thread on the action bar Sherlock Issue Tracker that covers this and covers the reasons why it's unlikely to make it into the support library as well. So, I put a link up to that (21) (in case) anyone wants more info. [pause] >>Richard: OK. Anything else from inside the Hangout before we jump to the next moderator The App Clinic: Stopwatches and Timers >>Reto Meier: Excellent. >>Ian Ni-Lewis: Any foreign language, that's the first thing. >>Reto Meier: We're gonna have to have a big red button just (22) (in case) . >>Ian Ni-Lewis: Sounds good. >>Reto Meier: It's not a family friendly- Android Design in Action: Home Screen Widgets feed-type widget, you want to make sure to basically updatethe widget as soon as there's new data. So for example, (23) (in the case) of Gmail, when you get a newemail, there's a push message that's sent to the device that basically tells the Gmail application that, hey, there's they can customize what should be shown in the widget. So make sure to make use of that as well. So again, (24) (in the case) of the feed reader example, you want to give them the option to specify which feeds they'd like to see in that widget. Android Design in Action: Notifications and Design Process with Alex Faaborg vibrate and buzz, or the LED to illuminate. So it's not going to actively grab the user's attention. It's just going to be there (25) (in case) they go and check. So that notification's kind of along for the ride when another notification does actually ping you. Android Developer Office Hours So if Jackie does get in, she can ask the question live. If not, I'll wait five minutes before answering that question, just (26) (in case) CHRIS BAINES: Michael has put a question on the moderator, asking, I heard about an app that claims it is able to back 2012-08-30 Android Developer Lab+ - Monkey Runner if there's like, Anirudh is there anything you wanna cover or? >>Anirudh Dewani: Not really. So, what we'll do is we'll share some links to resources for MonkeyRunner (27) (in case) you wanna go through them and thank you for joining us today. We don't have any light questions today so I think that'll be it. >>Tony Chan: Okay. Thanks so much. Thank you. Bye bye. DevBytes: Google Play Services 4.3 between players in your games. An example of using gifts is to request more lives from your friend, (28) (in case) the last round of playing did not go so well. Psst. 2012-10-11 Android Developer Lab+ - Connectivity APIs And as soon as you do that, your service is published over the Wi-Fi network. And (29) (in case) there is an editor, you can handle that error and show appropriate messages to the user. So you say, Wi-Fi P2P manager, here is my service response listener. (30) (In case) there is a service, call me back. So we've set our response listener. Android Design in Action: Google I/O 2013 Recap And on a tablet, they're both visible at the same time. There's obviously a lot more detail to that pattern there. But (31) (in case) you're a developer and looking to implement that, basically look at the navigation drawer guide here, with this link at the top, and then the sliding pane layout The last one is-- and this is, I think, a few weeks old. But (32) (in case) you're interested in using some of the action bar icon pack icons, so like Refresh and Share and things like that, (33) (in case) you don't want to necessarily use the Illustrator version or the Photoshop version-- there's like a million different versions available. Android Developers Office Hours - EMEA >>Johan: Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry. I thought I had it on, I'm on now. Okay. Hey guys, just want to say 'Hi.' I don't have any particular thing I'm wrestling with, but maybe I was thinking about one thing for (34) (in case) I have something like a bubble dialog with small selection, of course you know that there are some context menus or smaller--how do you say it--what's the term?--maybe small dialogs which hang to a component and Android Developers Office Hours: Project Butter the priorities should be, if it should be background or default or anything else but I would say that given that Diane wrote that code, whatever is the default part is probably what she meant it to be. But, of course, we should ask her (35) (in case) and see if maybe there is a bug there. I wouldn't worry about it too much. >>Trevor Johns: Alright, awesome. Um, so, sadly I can't find a charger anywhere here The App Clinic: Travel: On the go of home screen widgets, which all have predefined messages which you can set to a predefined audience. So (36) (in case) of emergency, or I've just come home, I've just landed, any of those things, you can do it all ahead of time. Android Developers Office Hours - EMEA [STATEMENT REPEATS] RICHARD HYNDMAN: The Chris Banes delay. AL SUTTON: Just (37) (in case) I missed it the first time round. the moderator's panel. If you want, I can ask here. I would like to know (38) (in the case) of a situation, where LVL license failed, I mean that, actually, we have about 20,000 real users that paid the application. you don't have to close any cursor because the provider takes charge of closing everything. But (39) (in the case) of a simple code, you open the connection, you open the cursor, you close it, and then why is the StrictMode is throwing this exception? Android Developer Office Hours EMEA API [INDISTINCT]. >> THOMPSON: Well, I don't think we can [INDISTINCT] >> GAUNT: But it's Google+ [INDISTINCT] >> THOMPSON: Okay. Listen one more quick run through the letter [INDISTINCT] and the comments just (40) (in case) anything is coming. And I think we have seven questions, next one is the comments, right, nothing new coming in? I think about several questions next one from the comments, right, nothing new come in? The Friday Games Review DAN GALPIN: I do, actually. I have a zombie kit at home. (41) (In case) of zombie invasion, I'm totally set. Except I don't have a shotgun. IAN NI-LEWIS: He didn't make it for zombies, though. It's not a licensed property. DAN GALPIN: Yes. Just (42) (in case) you were curious, even though it looks exactly, and the font seems like, and actually it feels very cartoony, very much like the movie, this has nothing to do Game On! - Play Games Half-Birthday Party that you can submit along with any score that you send down to our service. (43) (In case) you're wondering what URI safe is, I went and looked up the RFC. And, basically, it's alpha characters, digits, The Friday Games Review Everything Dan does is epic. DAN GALPIN: So this game was actually one of the ones that was nominated, just (44) (in case) you thought I was going to ignore-- IAN NI-LEWIS: Oh, awesome. tablet. Why? Because this has cool HDMI and it's running Jelly Bean. Thank you. All right. So, one more game which is also portrait. It is Jungle Jumper and no, there's nothing sexual about this game, just (45) (in case) you're curious. There's no theme here. So... >> NI-LEWIS: We weren't initially thinking about that. But now, I can't unhear it. >> GALPIN: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. To all our viewers out there, forget about... 13 July: The Friday App Review my alternatives are. So I can see an arrow here so I'm gonna slide across. And I can see a number of different options here. Not entirely sure what they are. OK. So they're locked. Alright. So we'll go here and click. Oh, OK. Interesting. So this is, (46) (in case) it wasn't obvious, this is an app which is targeted towards children. >>Trevor: Hence the tap three times to buy. won't be reviewing any virus checker apps, because as far as we're concerned, the answer is, it does nothing. So (47) (in case) you're wondering why we skip past them, in the future. Now you know. So. >>Trevor: Yeah. And I think there was a second part of that app too, which is, I think it was like notification spam checking. Android Developers Office Hours - EMEA the boot later. So you should be able to just re-flash it again, right? >> No, because it came from the case, so I don't have the actual one. >> BUTCHER: No, but you can connect to the keys (48) (in case) you'll can be able to see it. >> I tried, the keys doesn't recognize the phone. >> BUTCHER: Oh, dear. >> Yeah. calls focus search on the view, which currently has focus. (49) (In the case) of list view, there is no view at the top and bottom. The root view will return a different view. ActivityOptions [? pass, ?] which will do that for you, for the zooming (50) (in case) , at least. You won't get the zooming out. But say you're wanting to open from a small thumbnail into an Android Design in Action: Device Automation and Touch Feedback So you've got this long scrolling list of items. And they've really customized it. So (51) (in the case) of Google+, they've got these sort of nice cards. YouTube-- it's almost like a card-like interface. Android Developers Office Hours - EMEA GIUSEPPE: I will do that. Thank you. RICH: Put it on Stack Overflow (52) (in case) the answer is there already, of course. GIUSEPPE: OK. Android Design in Action: Images And so here is basically the concept of maximum space for content, maximum space for images. When you have multiple images, like (53) (in the case) of thumbnails, what that means is you want to minimize the gaps between images. Android Developer Office Hours EMEA to stay on that widget. So that's, so check out the widget docs for that configuration info. >>Rich: Yes. Just (54) (in case) they are actually watching. >>Nick: And are there any [inaudible] docs anywhere. Yes. >>Rich: [laughs] 2012-11-01 Android Developer Lab+ NFC Maybe if you can drop us a comment on what you want to say with the second part of your question [INAUDIBLE]. But just (55) (in case) , for handling the audio and video pipelines, you can use a media codec, which is available on the Android SDK. ADL+ 2013-01-24 Maps API v2 part2 actually enclosing in that counterclockwise circle is the area actually the color is going to be filled. So (56) (in the case) here on the right, you can see the circle is in the clockwise order. So if you try to imagine you're looking from inside, Android Developer Office Hours It's very, very bad practice to kill your app because the run time is actually managing your app, and your app is only killed (57) (in the case) that there are no resources and we have to kill the process. So you have to have a very good reason to call the Android Developer Office Hours: Q&A something like that happens. It's just a safety device that we've basically built in. I think (58) (in the case) of developers, it's a valid concern. It would be definitely very nice to be one of the first This Week In Android Development - August 26th 2013 We've used some magical boxes to record this update ahead of time. Just (59) (in case) something dramatic happened over the weekend, let me be the first to welcome our new insect, alien, or cyborg overlords. Android Design in Action: 2013 Recap this year. NICK BUTCHER: So I'm sure that you guys have watched them all, but just (60) (in case) , we're going to pull out some of the highlights that we very much enjoyed bringing to you over the year. ROMAN NURIK: All right. 2012-08-09 APAC Developer Office Hours what it is is that the FragmentPagerAdapter, when the fragments are no longer required, what it will do is relinquish the view hierarchy for that fragment. But it'll keep the fragment around. (61) (In the case) of the FragmentStatePagerAdapter, what it will do is actually call "save state" on the fragment and it will release the fragment itself. So when the fragment, again, needs to be re-instantiated, what it will do is restore the state that it saved earlier. Now, DevBytes: Efficient Data Transfers - Analyzing Your Transfer Profile Now alternatively, if the action is time-sensitive but not critical, for example uploading an image, it might be worth holding off for up to 30 seconds, just (62) (in case) another transfer is initiated in the interim. Now perhaps not surprisingly, this functionality is built DevBytes: Efficient Data Transfers - Understanding the Cell Radio Rather than dropping back to standby immediately after the transfer is completed, the radio will remain in full power mode for a set tail time, just (63) (in case) further transfers are initiated within that window. This happens because dropping to a low-power state Android Design in Action: I/O App + Sharing + Fullscreen UIs And this fits in with, don't design for one pixel resolution. But (64) (in case) you are interested, roughly, in general, the Status bar is about 25 dips tall. And the Navigation bar is about 48 dips. Androidology - Part 2 of 3 - Application Lifecycle home process is running and that has the home activity running inside it. Now, before launching the mail application, the system is going to save the state of the home application just (65) (in case) , anything bad happens to it, and you'll see that bad stuff in a few minutes. So the home application has saved that state in a little parcel that has been moved to the system process. And at that point, the system can create the mail process, we can Android Design in Action: GDG Oslo + Design Consistency to beautiful design. You should see it. But just (66) (in case) we do have links available. So what that, thanks everybody. As always, I'm your host Roman Nurik. 2012-09-20 Android Developer Lab+ - In-App Billing So, if you have a book or an app that's like a book, you might have some episodic content, where you provide chapter one of that app or that content for free. And then users can pay to unlock chapter two and then chapter three and so on. And (67) (in the case) of a game it might not be chapters, it could be levels. It could be characters. And so on and so forth. Now, one of the features that we have in in-app billing is that your client, your app, can to be able to replay them and we track them for you so and so. The next type of items are unmanaged items. And these are not typically the type of items that you only consume or purchase once. So (68) (in the case) of a game, it might be some in-game coins. So you wanna allow the user to purchase these coin packs more than once. Or it could be potions, whatever. (69) (In the case) of an app or a service that you're providing, you could also do something like ask the user to pay X amount of money every month or every year. Today I wouldn't actually use in-app billing for that recurring payment because we actually The App Clinic: Introducing the App Clinic's Pure Android Collection And then anyone can add a comment to the nominations card on the proposed categories list. IAN NI-LEWIS: Now just (70) (in case) you didn't see that URL as it was flying by, the URL is, capital A, capital C, capital T. So we're going to go Android Design in Action: Action Bar So if you've got one earbud in, maybe switch the other one if you can't hear him. ROMAN: (71) (In case) you can't. ADAM: (72) (In case) you cant, potentially. NICK: If you can't hear this. ADAM: So let's get started. They really more an indicator. But usually they are coupled with touch. So (73) (in case) the user does touch that area that indicates the next page or the previous page, you should still swipe over or switch over. The App Clinic: Shopping >> NI-LEWIS: That'll... >> MEIER: Well, it's really handy, ain't it? >> NI-LEWIS: ...that'll show you a little bottle of whiskey for instance. Because... >> MEIER: Just (74) (in case) you don't know. >> NI-LEWIS: ...just (75) (in case) --well, yeah, (76) (in case) you forgot. >> MEIER: Well, and this can be really useful because it seems kind of obvious. I'm so glad that there's a list. So I know what it looks like. Except that maybe someone else added it just to the list and you don't know what >> NI-LEWIS: I hope so... >> MEIER: I can say that just... >> NI-LEWIS: ...yes. He... >> MEIER: That's feedback coming through. >> NI-LEWIS: Okay. Well, just (77) (in case) . So, the question--the last question was just around collecting information from different store, pricing information, things like that. Absolutely but I think this seems like one of those things were there's a business opportunity. Game On! - Android and Game Controllers KRISTAN UCCELLO: Right, but it's not always guaranteed to be that way. You might actually end up (78) (in the case) where that secondary joystick axis is labeled with a z. So zx, z, none of it is constant with game Android Developer Office Hours: Developer Q&A Google Voice is a prime example here; users will install some other app that are responsible for sending text messages. Most of the time those are apps that do go and use the normal SMS infrastructure and they send it through their cell carrier but, again, (79) (in the case) of Google Voice those messages are actually routed over the internet and don'¬t use the normal telephony stack on the phone. And if you don'¬t use the SMS intent the SMS messages number of characters. You can imagine if you feed in a lot of data, if I feed it, if I feed in a megabyte of data and I get back a 160 bytes, actually, I think it'¬s 160 bits, (80) (in the case) of SHA-1 I believe, don'¬t quote me on that. In any case, you'¬re losing data. It'¬s just simply not possible to go and recover the original password if you use those. You could go and use something like AES and that'¬s a, a symmetric cipher which will let you go Android Design in Action: Design Hangout No. 1 couldn't join today. I think he's out sick. We've invited him to the Hangout just (81) (in case) he wants to join, but he'll probably stay home and rest up for next week. Android Developer Office Hours: October 24, 2012 morning it was actually a private video so I don't know if it will play now. Let's give it a shot just (82) (in case) . Oh, it's playing, I think. 2012-07-26 APAC Developer Office Hours >>Anirudh: That seems to be a fitting implementation to me. Are you incurring any type of performance hit there or? >>Male #1: Well, my, my point is (83) (in case) when I'm trying to access this particle of fragment directly from view flipper by saying something like, let's see here, [Pause] >>Male #1: Alright, if I try to say viewflipper.getcurrentitem Game On!: Turn-Based Multiplayer Just say, Automatch Criteria, Create Automatch Criteria, Number of Automatch Slots you want. Which might be one, (84) (in the case) of "8 Bit Artist." TODD KERPELMAN: Gotcha. OK. Things Every Android Game Developer Should Know 2.0 application. On the server side, you should check the signature again, just (85) (in case) the client has been compromised. A cool thing you can do in the server that you can't do in the client is to check order numbers, because since you are DevBytes: Bitmap Allocation And that's it. Not very hard to use, but definitely worth using. Especially if you're (86) (in the case) where you're constantly loading in new bitmaps and those bitmaps are the same size as other bitmaps that you're now done with. Android Developers Office Hours - EMEA Edition So here is the URL. NICK: Do you want to pop that in the Moderator as well (87) (in case) ? Who is it who asked? Yeah. (88) (In case) Martin from Poland isn't watching, we should pop that in the Moderator as well. selections, which I love. And we talked about that quite a lot yesterday on Design in Action, (89) (in case) you missed it. Cool. All right. Android Developer Office Hours EMEA (live from Devoxx) RICH: Absolutely. RICH: Sparky, in the meantime, are you following the plus Android developer's comments, (90) (in case) there are any? Because we can't see them from this end. The Friday Games Review beer. And that would just make the show that much better. >> NI-LEWIS: That's right bro--broth. So, we're drinking ESB. Now I brought a [INDISTINCT] for Daniel Pham our engineer just (91) (in case) . >> GALPIN: Uh-hmm. >> NI-LEWIS: But I have something super special for... >> GALPIN: Ooh. >> NI-LEWIS: There you go. actually go to the next slide so that we can take a look at Agent Shooter's--there we are. >> NI-LEWIS: Uh-hmm. >> GALPIN: So, Agent The Shooter lets you know from the beginning that it's ad-supported just (92) (in case) you were wondering whether or not it was free or paid or not. It's right there in the title. >> NI-LEWIS: It also lets you know quite clearly from the feature graphic that this is done Android Developer Office Hours experience is that library projects actually work quite reasonable well with obfuscation because ultimately they're just built into the same jar and it's all one thing that's obfuscated all together. I don't, in terms of, what's interesting (93) (in the case) of and I think that's actually what you're gonna want to do is make sure that all your libraries are all statically bound into, into one jar file and rather than trying to obfuscate the Android EMEA Office Hours 23/01/2013 WIEBE ELSINGA: Hi guys. MALE SPEAKER: I just joined (94) (in case) I could help with the technical difficulties. But I'm actually in Mountain View at the moment. CHRIS BANES: I would always bundle the privacy policy with the app, just (95) (in case) your app isn't distributed with Play store. So if it goes into Amazon app store or any other sort of The Friday Games Review IAN NI-LEWIS: Whose fault would that be? DAN GALPIN: Well, it could be anyone's. I'm going to mute this tablet just (96) (in case) . IAN NI-LEWIS: Good point. RETO MEIER: Thank you. Android Design in Action: Responsive Design ROMAN NURIK: One thing that we haven't done here is use Roboto Thin or Roboto Light, which we probably should have. So (97) (in case) you want to make the title stand out even more, get even more attention-- I'm not convinced that it's necessary here, but you could DevBytes: Android 4.4 Storage Access Framework: Provider directory, like gallery or drive. Most applications will have one root. You might have more than one (98) (in the case) of, say, multiple user accounts. In that case, just add a second row to the cursor. Introduction to Kotlin (Google I/O '17) have been incredibly excited about this official announcement of Kotlin. We both love Kotlin, (99) (in case) you hadn't noticed already. And we don't take any more time from the speakers of honor. So without further ado, here they are. Now in Android: 01 - Room, KTX Extensions, AndroidX, Conference Videos, ADB podcast & more! of weeks-ish, why don't we actually try to do the same thing with a video, reuse that content (100) (in case) some people actually tend to get their information from video. So I'm, basically, going to regurgitate


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